The largest environmental project in the Balkans, with multiple positive effects for the region of Lake Karla, Thessaly, as well as with regard to broader development, began to be implemented through national resources and co-financing from the 3rd CSF and the Operational Programme "Environment," and continued with resources of NSRF 2007-2013 and the Operational Programme of the Region of Thessaly. This large project includes many subprojects associated with water supply from the Lake and reinforcement of the water supply in the region and Volos, the flood proofing of Thessaly, irrigation of arable land, and the development of rural tourism.
Benefits: Reinforcement of the water supply of the region’s agglomeration and of the greater Volos area. Environmental upgrading and effective flood-proofing of the wider region. Improvement in the quality and an increase in the quantity of surface waters, raising of the subterranean aquifer of the areas surrounding Lake Karla, a change in the region’s microclimate, creating conditions for the development of light rural tourism, a reduction in unemployment, and improvement of the landscape's aesthetic.
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Budget: €245,000,000